I'm starting to fall asleep as I type a scene for my book...not a good sign. So instead of berating myself and whining about how boring my book is, I've come back here with another thought to ponder.
A few months ago I read a comment by Priscilla Shirer that stuck with me:
"An author can pen a book without the anointing,
but only the anointed author can write words that carry the weight of God
to accomplish eternal purposes in the lives of the readers."
Like many Christians, I battle between wanting to use my talents for fame and fortune and wanting to use them to bring glory to God. It's the struggle between flesh and spirit, the things of this world and the things of the Kingdom...it's age-old, nothing new under the sun. But it's still there.
So when I read Priscilla's words and think about the anointing, my first thought is, "Do I have the anointing to write this book?"
Then I think, "Of course I do. God told me to write it so I must have it."
But then I worry. "Maybe I lose it when my motives are less than pure, when I start imagining my book on the NY Times bestseller's list."
And then I fret and say 'sorry' to God and remind Him (and me!) that it's all about Him, and I want the glory to be His alone.
(This scenario happens on a regular basis.)
So does the anointing come and go? Do I have it when my heart is right, and lose it when it's not?
I did a little research (not much, this isn't exhaustive...don't quote me) and was encouraged by 1 John 2:20-21, 27:
But you have an anointing from the Holy One,
and all of you know the truth.
I do not write to you because you do not know the truth,
but because you do know it
and because no lie comes from the truth...
As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you,
and you do not need anyone to teach you.
But as his anointing teaches you about all things
and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit -
just as it has taught you, remain in him.
God has anointed me (and you!) through the indwelling Holy Spirit - the Anointed and the Anointing are One and the same. Therefore, everything I need to accomplish the task God has given me is available to me at all times through the Holy Spirit:
the skill (how do I 'show' the way the thump of an African drum bounces around in your chest),
the energy (wakey, wakey! no falling asleep over the computer),
the determination (I think I can, I think I can),
and especially the faith (believe in what you do not see).
Isaiah 7:9 (NASB) says:
"If you will not believe, you surely shall not last."
So I am taking a stand today to believe I have God's anointing for this task, and I am leaving the results in His hands. I want to be of the ilk that it's said,
"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!" (Luke 1:45 NIV)
May you realize the anointing God has given you through His Spirit to carry out the work He has called you to, and may you be blessed as you believe Him to accomplish it!