Molding a lump of clay

Molding a lump of clay
I am a work in progress, molded by my Maker, refined by His fire, shaped with His love. Walk the journey with me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chasing Fireflies

If you're looking for a really good, uplifting Christian novel...

<--- read this one. (Thanks, Kathryn!!)

Chasing Fireflies is about 2 little the narrator now grown up, and the other, a little orphan who has had a heart-breakingly rough childhood.

It's also about the narrator's foster dad, Unc, and his foster cousin, Tommye (I still don't know how to pronounce that...I kept calling her 'Tommy-ey').

Anyway, it's a great story with a strong mystery to solve, 3-D characters that you can smell, and enough heart to temporarily put the worst depression on the shelf. I immediately started hounding my husband to "read this now." He'll love it, when he gets around to it.

I'm hugely envious of this guy's writing ability, and already looking at what else he's written to see how I can get my hands on it! If you're interested, check out

Highly won't regret it.

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